Release notes for Version 2.0.2

This version implements full support for the SVBONY SV605MC camera and introduces support for INDI devices.


Version 2 of AstroDMx Capture is a significant release which includes lots of new functionality as well as user interface changes. Some aspects of this release are still considered to be “work in progress”.

New Camera Support

This release includes support for the new SVBONY SV605MC cooled camera. The SV605MC is a greyscale 14bit CMOS camera which is proving to be an excellent deep sky camera. For more information about this new camera, see Dr Wainwright’s blog.

Mount Control

Mount control via INDI has been implemented in this version. This functionality allows the user to perform all the usual functions that are available from the mount’s hand controller. A summary of these are as follows:

  • Mount GOTOs (from user supplied celestial coordinates, an internal object database or from astrometry)
  • Precise GOTOs via astrometry (plate solving)
  • Mount Nudging
  • Tracking rates
  • Slew rates
  • Parking/unparking

Astronomical Object Database

AstroDMx Capture includes an extensive internal database of astronomical objects which can be used to perform mount GOTOs. This database can be searched on the object’s common name or catalogue name.

Astrometry (Plate Solving)

This version of AstroDMx includes plate solving functionality provided by the ASTAP plate solver.

INDI Focuser Control

Motorised Focuser control via INDI has been implemented in this version. A summary of the focuser controls are as follows:

  • Shows the minimum, maximum and current focuser position
  • Shows the temperature (if supported by the focuser)
  • Functionality to save and easily reuse focus positions
  • Functionality to set focus limits for specific telescopes
  • Functionality to control focuser backlash

INDI Filter Wheel Control

Motorised Filter Wheels via INDI has been implemented in this version.

INDI Cameras

INDI camera support has been added. However, it is important to state that this aspect of the new release should be considered to be “work in progress”. Currently, there are a number of limitations with the camera implementation which mean that this support is only suitable for deep sky imaging.

The INDI camera implementation will be improved in a future release.

For maximum stability and fast frame rates, it is recommended to connect cameras via the native implementation. As all INDI functionality can be used independently, so it is possible to use the mount control functionality with a camera that is connected using a native implementation.


There are two new pages consisting of a walk-through of the new functionality (using INDI simulators) and an overview of the new user interface.

The documentation can be found on the main documentation page.


For more information about the changes in this release, please see the changelog. The new version (2.0.2) can be found on the main downloads page.